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 National and International Alliances  

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IDEA Lab Contributions to National and International Research 

In addition to research projects led by The Pediatric Rheumatology Research  IDEA Lab at the University of Saskatchewan, the Lab also appreciates the opportunity to contribute to various national and international studies.


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UCAN-CAN-DU is a  joint  Canada-Netherlands  collaboration.  UCAN CAN-DU will have a diverse approach with a focus on the development of new concepts for standardized evaluation of Disease activity outcomes, Novel eHealth tools for clinicians and patients, and Real-time integration of individual biological profiles aimed at personalizing care for children with JIA.  Read more. 

LEAP (Linking Exercise, Activity, and Pathophysiology in Childhood Arthritis: A Canadian Collaborative Team) is a multi-centre research program focused on studying children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). JIA is one of the most common chronic diseases occurring in childhood, and can limit an affected child’s ability to participate in normal physical activities, sports and play. Low levels of physical activity during growth and development can lead to poor muscle strength, which in turn can affect the ability of growing bones to become as strong as they need to be. Our research program will be focused on studying the effect of JIA on children’s physical activity, and the eventual impact on bones and muscles. Read more.


The Canadian Alliance of Pediatric Rheumatology Investigators (CAPRI) network, which  includes all pediatric rheumatology centers in Canada that care for children with JIA, is conducting The CAPRI-JIA National Registry.  The Registry enrolls all children and teens diagnosed with JIA in Canada at CAPRI centers. Information is collected from children, parents, and pediatric rheumatologists at each visit, helping to learn how JIA affects the lives of children and teens, study treatment effectiveness and frequency of side effects from treatments, and understand long term disease outcomes. The CAPRI Registry is an ideal platform to facilitate other research projects. Read more.


The IDEA Lab contributes to the  Canadian Morphea Registry. Morphea, also known as localized scleroderma (LS), is an autoimmune fibrosing skin disease characterized by mild local inflammation and subsequent fibrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The goal of this study is to advance knowledge of morphea in Canada which will be achieved through the following objectives 1) characterize the demographics and clinical characteristics, 2) elucidate environmental triggers, 3) assess quality of life, 4) determine comorbidities, and 5) identify factors impacting disease severity. This will be achieved by establishing a large national registry through a multi-disciplinary collaboration among pediatric and adult dermatologists and rheumatologists.


The PedVas study is an international study based at BC Children’s Hospital and includes collaborators in Canada, the United States, and other countries worldwide. This study is examining childhood chronic vasculitis, a set of rare inflammatory diseases affecting blood vessels in body organs such as the kidneys, lungs, and brain. Through the PedVas study investigators are learning more about pediatric vasculitis to improve the diagnosis and treatment of vasculitis in children and adolescents. 

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