IDEA Lab Creative Art in Rheumatology
The IDEA Lab's Creative Art in Rheumatology (CAIR) program invites partnerships with visual, performing, and literary artists from Saskatchewan to create art that helps enhance communication of the Lab's research activities and results. If you are a creative artist and have an idea about how your work could enhance research communications please contact the Pediatric Rheumatology Research Idea Lab. Ideas from all ages and a diversity of cultural and language backgrounds are welcome.
Visual Arts
Visual artists such as painters, potters, sculptors, photographers, digital and electronic artists, fabric artists, fashion designers, and food artists are invited to apply to partner with the IDEA Lab's communications and knowledge mobilization initiatives.
Performing Arts
Performing artists such as musicians, singers, actors, and dancers are invited to inquire about opportunities for collaborating with the IDEA Lab's communications and knowledge mobilization initiatives.
Literary Arts
The IDEA Lab invites those with talents in creating original literary work to consider partnering with the Lab. The end product can be in the form of poetry, short fiction or non-fiction prose, graphic short stories, or dramatic sketches or plays, as examples.